Umfrage: Seit Erkrankung an ME hast du öfter oder seltener eine Erkältung oder Grippe gehabt?

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Seit Erkrankung an ME hast du öfter oder seltender eine Erkältung oder Grippe gehabt?

Mehr/Häufiger Erkältungen & Grippen seit Beginn von ME
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Weniger/Seltener Erkältungen & Grippen seit Beginn von ME
Keine Erkältungen & Grippen seit Beginn von ME
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Umfrage: Seit Erkrankung an ME hast du öfter oder seltener eine Erkältung oder Grippe gehabt?

Beitrag von adm »

Manche Patienten berichten, dass sie seit ME kein Fieber oder andere akute Grippesymptome mehr bekommen.
Andere wiederum berichten über Monate anhaltendes leichtes Fieber, wiederum andere schreiben, dass sie dauernd Infekte haben.

Vgl. ... tly.13228/
Englische Umfrage: 80 % haben weniger Erkältungen/Grippen

Deine Meinung/Studien warum manche weniger/keine Grippe mehr haben wäre interessant.
Sofern du antwortest "Mehr Erkältungen & Grippen", wie oft hast du diese pro Jahr/seit ME?

richvank: Why don't PWMEs get colds and flus? I think it's because of the constantly elevated interferon responses. This produces what has been called the "antiviral state." With this going on, it's difficult for a newly introduced virus to get a foothold. ... ost-268501
Hip: Most ME/CFS patients seem to have increased immunity from catching the colds in circulation, but a smaller percentage of patients seem to catch everything going, this poll found. ... ost-956314
WoolPippi: Yeah, for years I'm free of the cold/flue now, ever since I got ME. With me it's because my cortisol is low --> causing the immune system to run in full Diva-mode --> defeating any virus that even thinks of giving me a cold. ... st-1006208
Wolfcub: However....when I caught that "flu" or whatever the heck it was that set all this stuff in motion, back in early Spring this year, I got no fever, not even a trace of one. ... st-1021391 ... ost-268501
Hip: Rich Van Konynenburg had a hypothesis of how this seemingly increased immunity to viral infection arises: he thought that because some parts of the immune system in ME/CFS were working under par, this resulted in other areas of the immune system getting up-regulated in order to compensate. In particular, Rich though that our first line in immune defense — the interferon alpha and interferon beta response — was ramped up in ME/CFS patients in order to compensate for weaknesses in other areas of the immune system (weaknesses in natural killer cell and CD8 T cell function).

If you have your first line in immune defense (interferon) ramped up 24/7, this may mean that any cold virus that happens to land in your mouth or respiratory tract may tend to get immediately eradicated by the interferon response before it has a chance to take hold in the body. ... ost-956314
Mark: I think I'm probably repeating myself, but I'm of the 'don't catch colds' variety, except that very occasionally, I will be in the company of friends when a kind of "24-hour flu" develops where I seem to go through all the symptoms of what would normally be a cold lasting a few days. On one occasion I even checked to see if anybody had had a cold and got one person to list the symptoms in order of occurence, which were exactly what I'd experienced in the space of a few hours. Fevers, sore throats, shivering, temperature, etc, the standard stuff, all quite intense but gone within 24 hours. I picture it as my immune system being constantly in readiness to respond to any invader, and perhaps quite efficient at dealing with them as a result. ... post-56083
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Registriert: 27. Januar 2019, 16:38
Punkte nach Bell Skala: 50

Re: Umfrage: Seit Erkrankung an ME hast du öfter oder seltener eine Erkältung oder Grippe gehabt?

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